We recycle for you
Family-run business
Aim for 0% to landfill

Ramsbottom Waste For Energy Facility

We are one of the main producers of SRF in Greater Manchester, who transform your non recyclable waste into an renewable fuel to create a more sustainable source of energy, turning your general waste into sustainable fuel at our Ramsbottom site. Click here if you are looking for our Ramsbottom skip hire service.

Certified for quality, safety & compliance

SafeContractor - blank
ISO 9001 - blank

Site address:

Kenyon Street

View On Map

Opening hours:

Mon – Fri: 7.00am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday we are closed
*All sites are closed Bank Holidays

Call us: 0161 764 2000

Email Us:
Info and Complaints: info@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk
Sales Representative sales: sales@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk
Purchase Ledger accounts: accounts@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk
Sales Ledger: Kay@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk
Skips & Orders: admin@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk
Orders: Jacqui@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk
Debtors: salesassist@wheeldonbrothers.co.uk

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