New Waste Regulations for Businesses: A Simple Guide
Starting 31 March 2025, businesses across England will need to follow new rules for...
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There are currently 5 directors, Susan, Jomathan, James, John and Glenda.
My first job after leaving school at 16 years old was at an import company called TMS where I worked as a junior accounts assistant for 10 years. During this time I attended night school studying Accounts. I then moved to Birch Hill hospital for the Rochdale NHS trust as a trainee accountant and during my time there I did AAT and then CIMA. I gained my CIMA professional accounting qualification in 1995.
In 1998 I started at Wheeldon’s as a full-time accountant in the office with just my mum and Auntie Patricia as colleagues. 19 years later there’s now 10 people in the office.
By 2000 I was the finance director and company secretary and took on additional jobs such as Personnel, Human Resources, Marketing and Social Media.
I’d say Italian food is my favourite but more specifically Pasta.
Being a teenager in the 80s I liked Wham, Madonna and Whitney Houston, just the usual pop music. Hillsongs are currently my favourite band.
I enjoy keeping fit by running and dancing, not at the same time! I am also a Trustee at Bury Athletic Club. I also like going to church and singing in the worship group. My friends and family are very important to me and I love going out to dinner with them.
Helping others or doing some kind of voluntary work for a Christian organisation alongside being a part-time accountant. At the moment I don’t have a great deal of time to do this.
My favourite country that I’ve visited is Italy because it’s very picturesque, but I would like to visit India one day to experience a different culture.
I enjoy making Wheeldon’s a success and not letting my parents down, but it takes a lot of dedication.
To continue helping to run a successful company which grows because of its long-standing reputation and great customer care.
For 4 years I attended Leeds university and got a degree in civil engineering.
I joined in 1994 as a HGV driver and yard managers assistant, to John Wheeldon. I used to get an ear bashing at home and at work!
Now I run the Oldham and Failsworth transfer stations on a day-to-day basis. The rest of the family work at other sites so I can avoid them for days on end!
Mainly Indie rock but I have a wide variety of likes. Being able to retreat to my man cave will help!
Doing DIY, watching football and going out with friends and family.
I’d be at 10 Downing Street, as the Prime Minister.
Italy, as it has fantastic scenery and they welcome families.
We have 2 Maltese dogs called Coco and Lulu who are great fun and like to play.
That family are loyal, unity is improved and you can be honest but I dislike the sibling rivalry.
To get fitter and travel more with my family. Most of all I would like some of my children to work at Wheeldon’s.
I worked at Kingfisher Garage in Rochdale as a grease monkey and then qualified as a HGV mechanic in 1999.
In 2000 I joined the company as the chief mechanic.
My current role is CPC transport manager and I also manage our Bury and Ramsbottom recycling centres.
Brazilian chicken burger or chicken curry. You know what I mean!
When I was younger my favourite would be U2 but more recently I have got into the Arctic Monkeys. Anything that’s a bit Indie Rock n Roll really!
My main hobbies include going to watch football, Manchester United at Old Trafford and my boys, who play in a local league. Away from football though I enjoy going out for meals with my wife and 3 boys. Sports cars are another interest of mine, unfortunately, however, I can’t currently afford one!
Working with Richard Rawlings on all types of vehicles at the Gas Monkey garage in America.
Florida. Happy wife, happy life! You know what I mean!
Yes, I’m proud to say I helped HMRC with drafting the legislation regarding fines. I’ve also been on Eddie Stobart TV… for about 3 seconds when they collected SRF from Ramsbottom!
It’s given me the freedom and confidence to do what I want to do and also helped me climb the ladder faster. Another benefit is the ability to make decisions more quickly as opposed to a large corporate business where it would take a lot longer. Some drawbacks are that it is quite stressful but also the fact that because we see family during the day, we don’t see each other as much socially as we should. You know what I mean!
To become the world’s strongest man and beat Usain Bolt’s 100m record.
Before Wheeldon’s I was at school but left when I was 14 because I was needed on the farm. I also attended night school for woodwork and metalwork.
When did you join the company?
I started the company, ‘Wheeldon Brothers’ in 1966 after buying a wagon with my brother Luke. Alongside this, I did a milk round with Glenda until she became pregnant.
If you want to read more about how Wheeldon’s started and it’s journey since then please go to The History of Wheeldon’s blog.
Originally the company was set up with 4 partners, Luke, Patricia, Glenda and myself. I’ve been the Managing Director for a long time but I feel when I reach 70 I should hand it on to someone.
I’d have to say king prawns.
Billy Fury
Classic cars and going out with the grandchildren for meals. I’d also class work as a hobby, am I allowed that?
I’ve always wanted to be a Policeman because each day would be different, you never know what’s going to happen, that would be exciting. Making a difference in society would be a strong motivator.
America or Thailand.
I enjoy seeing them every day, but I don’t enjoy the stress.
See more of the grandchildren.
I worked at an accountancy firm straight from school and then I worked for my Dad at home on the farm. My boss once caught me on the phone with my feet on his desk! Currently, I have my left foot on the desk permanently because I’ve broken my heel.
1968 – When I got married to John.
Hire desk manager and director.
Pasta and cake if I had to pick but I enjoy most food really.
The Carpenters and I also enjoy the Drifters.
Gardening, DIY and helping my children at their houses.
Mr Kipling’s cake tester!
Cruises are my favourite holiday but for a destination, I’d go for Mauritius, purely for the scenery.
I enjoy the success of Wheeldon’s because it’s nice to know I’ve done it with my family. I don’t enjoy the disagreements that we sometimes have.
To spend more time at home and go on longer holidays!
Read more about Wheeldon Brothers Waste Ltd history…