New Waste Regulations for Businesses: A Simple Guide
Starting 31 March 2025, businesses across England will need to follow new rules for...
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What percentage of recycling and recoverable waste avoids landfill?
The image above shows the proportions of the total material that was reused in August 2015 – July 2016. As you can see, more than half of this relates to Hardcore, Soil & Glass.
However, this doesn’t quite represent all of the material we receive. Out of 132,000 tonnes of waste received from our customers in August 2015 – July 2016, 75% was recycled, 22.5% was recovered and only 2.5% was sent to landfill.
The recovery figure refers to the Waste for Energy (WFE) plant at our Ramsbottom site. Without the investment in this WFE machinery, around 30,000 tonnes would go to a landfill site, as it would otherwise be non-recyclable, but instead, is transformed into useful energy.
We are currently investing in a waste drying plant which uses a biomass boiler and recycled wood to dry waste for energy. The shredded waste (RDF) will be processed into Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), this greatly improves the end product.
Click on the link below for more detailed recycling activities.
Did you know, Wheeldons now provide a business recycling waste disposal service?